Thursday, August 14, 2003

As you can see I haven't posted here for a while. I scrolled down to see if there were any dead links. I noticed that the post from June 20 about the depressing profusion of blockbusters linked to the general Yahoo trailers page (not a date-specific one), and so would change vastly over time.

Worried that the post was now irrelevant, I clicked on the link. I quickly learned that even though most (if not all) the movies were different, the most popular trailers were still for fantastical filmic behemoths. So my original observation was still accurate!

Bit of a cack, really.

(I know it's not an earth-shattering revelation that people like escapism. But I do remember a time when realer stuff was more popular and audiences were a tad more discerning.)
Here's another example of the downside of fame: Apparently some psycho-nutbar posted a profile of a Star Trek star on an internet dating site, with a profile guaranteed to attract hordes of salivating freaks.

The poor woman had her life turned upside down. To add insult to injury she lost the ensuing court case.

Celebs are forever griping unjustifiably about the attention their exposure attracts (usually so that they can get even more attention - and complain about that, too!). But in this case I do feel some sympathy for the star.

Still, fame is fire. And you should know that if you play with fire... etc.

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